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Young Elliot Lake skiers shine at home

The Elliot Lake Winterfest downhill ski competition featured 124 racers from across Northern Ontario
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Young Elliot Lake skiers shone in two days of Elliot Lake Winterfest downhill ski competition for the Joe Sarich Ski Race at Elliot Lake's Mt. Dufour Ski Hill. 

There were 124 Northern Ontario registered racers for the event. Attending teams included the Elliot Lake Ski Racers, Adana Ski Club, Timmins Ski Racers, Searchmont Ski Runners and North Bay Antoine Ski Racers.

First day competition got underway Saturday March 2 with Elliot Lake's George Noah dominating with his first place finish in the Boys Slalom under 6 years competition. Other Elliot Lake top ten finishers for Boys Slalom included Joshua Purych who finished fourth in the under 8 competition. Eldon Ellis placed fifth in under 10 competition along with William Goymer in ninth spot in the under 10 boys Slalom. Jacob Nielsen took fifth place in boys slalom in the under 12 years grouping.

In the Saturday girls slalom event, Elliot Lake's Ava Currie placed third in the under 10 age group. Myla Goulding finished number 8 in the same category. Emlyn Goulding finished third in under 12 girls age group GS event.

In the Sunday March 3 boys combination competition, Elliot Lake's George Noah took first place in the under 6 age group for the GS boys. Joshua Purych was sixth in the category in boys under 8 years. Elliot Lake's Eldon Ellis placed fourth in the GS boys combination event. William Goymer was 10 in the same event. Elliot Lake's Jacob Nielsen took seventh place in the under 12 age grouping.

Wrapping up the weekend's competition at Mt. Dufour, in the girls under 10 GS event, Elliot Lake's Myla Goulding finished third. She was followed by teammate Ava Currie who finished sixth. Emblyn Goulding was the top female Elliot Laker in her category. She finished second in GS under 12 action for the girls. 


About the Author: Brent Sleightholm

As a reporter, Brent has covered everything from amateur and professional sports, to politics, entertainment, police and courts, to human interest stories and government issues
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