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Gabe Oatley

Gabe Oatley

Recent Work by Gabe

BEYOND LOCAL: Is this mural AI-generated? Some upset residents think so

BEYOND LOCAL: Is this mural AI-generated? Some upset residents think so

The way the teeth, hands and guitar strings are rendered has led some residents to believe the new art is likely generated by artificial intelligence
Tenants facing mass ‘renoviction’ take protest to Toronto director's home

Tenants facing mass ‘renoviction’ take protest to Toronto director's home

Tenants say Michael Klein is treating them like ‘garbage’ — but in a rare media interview, Klein denied the tenants’ allegations and said he follows all Ontario laws
Not all retailers applying tax holiday to children’s toys: Mystery shopper

Not all retailers applying tax holiday to children’s toys: Mystery shopper

At a Walmart and a Toys R’ Us on Tuesday, a TorontoToday reporter was charged tax on purchases of children’s toys
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