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What is your New Year's resolution?

Here are some helpful tips on sticking to your New Year's resolution
smoking man
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With the new year right around the corner, New Year's resolutions are beginning to be put into action. Some of the most popular resolutions include quitting smoking, healthier lifestyles as well as being more financially aware.

ElliotLakeToday spoke to local residents on what they're resolutions are and if they will keep them.

Carol Blais said people shouldn't make a resolution at the beginning of the year, but to make changes to your life throughout the whole year.

"You shouldn't have to wait until it's New Year's to make a resolution," she explained. "You should be making changes all throughout the year to better yourself. Not wait one day to realize you have to make some kind of change."

While the most common resolution locally is to hit the gym to drop the Christmas break weight, some want to cut back on their smoking habits for the sake of their children, or in Roberta Shawbonquit-Bailey's case, her grandson.

"I have been trying to quit smoking for a while," she said. "My seven-year-old grandson asked me to stop. He said, 'Mama, can you please stop smoking? I don't want you to have to put those things in your nose to breathe.' So hopefully stopping on New Year's will stick."

After having her baby in October, Kayla Condotta explained that her resolution this year is to be healthy for her children.

"I have a New Year's resolution to get more active for myself and for my children," she expressed. "I want to lose 100 pounds by my next birthday and to quit smoking once I reach 50 pounds."

Some people don't believe in keeping New Year's resolutions, because "they just don't follow through with them."

Chantale Lachapelle said she's tried keeping to a financial resolution year after year but with health issues and job loss, it has been difficult.

"I don't get why some people make resolutions," she said. "They just don't follow through with them. I can see some people having a hard time because of issues beyond their control but honestly, people who make the healthy lifestyle resolution just don't keep at it. It's sad. I've been trying to be more financially aware and that's been my resolution for years but I gave up."

Here are some helpful tips on sticking to your New Year's resolution:

  • write it down
  • speak about it to family members
  • eliminate the temptations (eliminate the cigarettes and unhealthy foods, if that's your case)
  • find support groups to help maintain the resolution

As always, have a safe and happy New Year.
