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Video: Come along on a virtual skate on the Ramsey Lake Skating Path journalist Heidi Ulrichsen grabbed her skates and camera to give you a vicarious Northern Ontario experience

With the Ramsey Lake Skating Path opening for the season last week,’s Heidi Ulrichsen decided to grab her skates, helmet (safety first!) and camera on Saturday afternoon and take you along on a virtual skate.

As it had recently stopped snowing, the weather was a bit dull, but no matter - snow clearing operations were underway, and plenty of people had the same idea.

If you can’t skate, are living far away or just want a vicarious experience, our video should give you a fix.

Thank you to local musician Kevin Closs for allowing us to set our video to his instrumental song “Vermilion.”

260125_hu_ramseylakeskatingpath_1 journalist Heidi Ulrichsen shows off her very pretty skates on the Ramsey Lake Skating Path. Heidi Ulrichsen/
260125_hu_ramseylakeskatingpath_2 journalist Heidi Ulrichsen poses for the requisite selfie on the Ramsey Lake Skating Path. Heidi Ulrichsen/

The 1.5-km skating path runs between the Sudbury Canoe Club at the corner of Elizabeth Street and McNaughton Terrace to the Northern Water Sports Centre, with an extension to Science North.

The path operates Monday to Friday, from 4-8 p.m., Saturdays from 12-8 p.m. and Sundays from 12-6 p.m. 

“The Ramsey Lake Skate Patrol will be available for assistance during the hours of operation,” the city said in a news release.

Change facilities are located at the Elizabeth Street and Northern Water Sports Centre locations.

Due to weather fluctuations, hours of operation may change without notice. For updates, visit

Heidi Ulrichsen is's assistant editor. 


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