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Masking recommended at hospital in wake of COVID outbreak

Public advised to take extra steps to wash hands, clean regularly touched surfaces and stay home if unwell
File photo shows St. Joseph's General Hospital Elliot Lake.

St. Joseph’s General Hospital Elliot Lake (SJGHEL) would like to advise the public that our treatment facility, the Camillus Centre and our Continuous Care Unit (CCC) first floor, are in COVID-19 outbreaks.

It was declared yesterday by Algoma Public Health. SJGHEL recommends visitation be limited for essential or compassionate reasons only. Additionally, it is recommended that you wear a mask in the Emergency Department, waiting rooms, Continuous Care Unit (1st Floor), Medical Surgical Floor (3rd Floor), and Surgical Floor.

Masks are available at stations located at each entrance, and all visitors and staff are required to wear a mask while inside the hospital. 

SJGHEL strongly recommends the following: 

  • Wear a Mask: Always wear a mask in public spaces, especially in crowded or indoor areas, to help prevent the spread of the virus.
  • Practice Good Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
  • Stay Home if Unwell: If you feel unwell or exhibit symptoms such as a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, stay home and avoid contact with others. Seek medical advice if necessary.
  • Regularly Clean and Disinfect: Clean frequently touched surfaces, such as door handles, phones, and countertops, regularly with appropriate disinfectants.

For more information about respiratory viruses, please contact Algoma Public Health at (705) 942-4646 ext. 5404, or reach out to your family health-care provider. 

EDITOR'S NOTE: The original version of this release said masks are mandatory. That release was retracted and reissued to read masks are recommended. 
