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This week is amnesty week at the city landfill

Tipping fees will be waived all week. Landfill is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
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Tipping Fees will be waived for residential waste at the Elliot Lake landfill site on Monday, June 6, noon until 7 p.m., Wednesday, June 8, to Friday, June 10, noon until 7 p.m. and Saturday, June 11, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Regular tipping fees will be applied to all vehicles entering the landfill on Tuesday, June 7. This is to avoid having the commercial garbage trucks wait in line, as they perform their curbside duties.

Residents are allowed approximately 2 cubic meters (equivalent to a full size 1/2 ton truck box) or waste at no charge. When transporting garbage to the landfill, loads must be covered to prevent flying debris as per Solid Waste Management By-law (No. 2012-370).

In order to reduce landfill costs and extend landfill life, we ask that waste be separated into metal, yard waste, electronics and household waste piles and have the following items brought to the appropriate places:

Old Oil and Tires: can be brought to Choice Tire at 6 Oakland Blvd (must see office personnel)

Paint Cans with Paint: can be brought to Home Hardware in Blind River

Car/Equipment Batteries: can be brought to Napa

Think before you Throw: can it be donated, sold or upcycled?

Regular tipping fees will apply to commercial, construction and demolition waste.

Not Accepted at the landfill are hazardous waste materials, such as paints and coatings, and the containers in which they are contained, solvents, oil and containers, oil filters, batteries, antifreeze, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides and containers, car bodies, parts and tires.



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