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Pedestrian laneway on Paris Drive considered for closure

The request for consideration to close a pedestrian laneway was made by local residents

A request was made to the City by local residents, to consider closing a pedestrian laneway from Paris Drive to a bush trail behind the residential properties.

Staff presented the request in a report to the By-law and Planning committee, November 6.

Municipal clerk, Natalie Bray, reported that the City received a request for the closure from local residents and “as per our lane way closure policy, two property owners whose property abuts the entirety of a laneway can make the request in writing, which they have done.”

“Laneways and walkways within the municipality shall generally be retained in accordance with our Official Plan to allow maintaining pedestrian linkage and keeping walking distances to bus stops in the urban area,” Bray said.

Bray explained that should the committee wish to continue the process, “we would put out notice to the public of the intention to close that laneway. That's for a period of three weeks, and then those comments would be gathered, brought back to the next meeting, and if it's recommended, then the Committee would make that recommendation to Council to close the laneway.”

During the committee discussion it was noted that prior to the committee meeting, the committee chair, Councillor Norman Mann and committee members Councillor Seidel, Mayor Wannan and Interim CAO deBortoli drove past the laneway to view it.

The by-law and planning committee supported initiating the process for public input.

Two days ago, the City issued a news release informing the public.

The news release is reprinted as follows:

The Municipality has received a request to consider closing the laneway between Paris Drive and Tokyo Crescent. The By-law and Planning Committee welcomes public input on this proposal.

Please submit your comments by Wednesday, December 4, 2024, either in writing or by email to [email protected]. Address your comments to:
N. Bray, Director of Clerks and Planning Services
City Hall, 45 Hillside Drive North
Elliot Lake, Ontario P5A 1X5

The Committee will review all feedback and, if they decide that closing the laneway is in the City’s best interest, will make a recommendation to the Council.

For further information, please contact the Clerks Department at (705) 848-2287 or by email at [email protected]


Previous story

Municipality considers closing laneway between Paris Drive and Tokyo Crescent



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