Special weather statement in effect for:
- Elliot Lake - Ranger Lake
Locally heavy rain Wednesday afternoon through Wednesday night.
Locally heavy rainfall is forecast to develop Wednesday afternoon and continue into Wednesday evening before tapering to showers Wednesday night. Rainfall amounts of 15 to 30 mm are expected, and thus a Rainfall warning using the criteria of 25 mm within 24 hours may be needed as the event draws nearer.
The rain will combine with unseasonably mild temperatures to result in significant and rapid snow melt across the area. Ponding of water on roads and localized flooding in low lying areas particularly near rivers and creeks is likely.
Please refer to your local Conservation Authority or the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources for the latest information regarding river water levels.
Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #ONStorm.