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Council to consider staff’s request for borrowing authority

Borrowing authority, Westview Park Pavilion, Snowmobile by-law, and more, on council agenda this evening
2018-04-02 Elliot Lake City Hall KS-1
Elliot Lake City Hall file photo. Kris Svela for ElliotLakeToday

A full agenda of topics important to Elliot Lakers is set for this evening's 7 p.m. council meeting.

Borrowing by-law

Council will consider a staff request for a by-law, authorizing staff to borrow up to “50 per cent of the total estimated revenues of the municipality as set out in the budget adopted for the year” prior to September 30, and up to “25 per cent of the total estimated revenues of the municipality” before the calendar year end.

The 2025 budget is not yet approved.

Taxation and general revenue in the 2024 budget was $8,571,140 and the Ontario Municipal Partnership fund contribution to revenue was $8,190,000. Additional revenues sources are also interspersed throughout the 2024 budget here.

Policing costs

A staff report described, “Assignment of the Community Safety and Policing Grant agreement to the City of Elliot Lake” reports “the Ministry is updating the agreement for OPP-policed municipalities.”

The report informs, “This updated agreement will see the City fulfill the reporting obligations for the grant and receive the funding to pay the salary of the MCRT member.”

The amount of the grant is not specified.

Snowmobile by-law

A new by-law is proposed to replace the existing snowmobile by-law. The new by-law includes a description of the restricted areas, parking, hours of operation, and applicable fines.

Summer day camp

A staff report recommends that the city provide the Collins Hall facilities and $2,000 to support the YMCA summer day camp. Eight different programs are offered throughout July and August.

Session themes include Recreation Camp, All Sorts of Sports, Create and Innovate, Adventures in Cooking, Nature Art, Outdoor Explorers, Performing Arts, and a second week of All Sorts of Sports.

Westview Park Pavilion

Staff will recommend “That Council selects and approves the purchase of one of the shade structures provided to replace the Westview Park Pavilion.”

Options for the pavilion are detailed on pages 47 to 79 in the council agenda package here.

Other council decisions important to our future will also be considered.

Arena – no news

At a council meeting early this year, the mayor indicated there could be news in early or mid-March regarding the test micro piles being installed at that time.

There is no agenda item for this; however, significant information about the arena has also come forward in addendums or announcements.

How to participate 

The council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. this evening, March 10, at city hall. The meeting is open to public attendance.

Citizens who wish to speak for up to two minutes during the public input session are required to register before noon on the day of the meeting using the city’s online form.

Council meetings are livestreamed here and broadcast on Eastlink cable channel 10.

The city is currently undergoing changes to a new streaming platform and it may be necessary to use the alternate livestream link that will appear as "WEBCAST" in the calendar when the meeting begins.


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