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Algoma Mills Protest Set for Wednesday

Algoma Mills environmentalists say it's a tale that needs to be told 
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A group of concerned citizens from Algoma Mills and Serpent River First Nation will be staging a peaceful demonstration this Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. on Hwy 17 at the Township of the North Shore office in Algoma Mills.

The group says it hopes to raise awareness about dangers a proposed quarry poses to Lake Lauzon drinking water as well as provincially significant wetland habitat destruction for Blanding's turtles, moose, deer and other species at the site of a proposed Darien/Rankin quarry, 400-metres north of Lake Lauzon." 

"We perceive 'pressures to permit' placed on our civil service scientists and significant problems with the proponent's environment and archeological reports," says a spokesperson for the group. "There is still time for people to get involved, and stand up for Lake Lauzon water, and for our pristine northern wetlands, the kidneys of Mother Earth." 

"We need impartial third party assessments done by reputable, independent firms, recommended by the Professional Engineers of Ontario and the Professional Archaeologists of Ontario."

The Township of the North Shore Committee of Adjustment last month voted 3-2 to approve the creation of a quarry on crown land in that area.


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