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Six city Boat launches to reopen but not on Elliot Lake

City hopes to open the boat launches by the May long weekend
ElliotLakeToday file photo

In an electronic session of Elliot Lake City Council Monday night, Councillors voted unanimously to allow for the opening of 6 boat launches in the city, in time for the long weekend coming up. They include MacArthy Lake, Esten Lake, Depot Lake, Quirke Lake and Dunlop Lake on both sides. Elliot Lake will remain closed.

In his report to council, Elliot Lake CAO Daniel Gagnon wrote, "Staff has interpreted the province’s easing of outdoor access for parks and some retail to mean that the city can allow for use of boat launches to accommodate recreational use of lakes but not allow the use of fishing piers, docks or boardwalks that encourage congregating/loitering."

"As such, it is recommended that council direct staff to remove barricades and open boat launches listed in the recommendation. The use of launches can be relatively easily done while respecting physical distancing. Signage will be installed to reiterate that the use of the launch is being to accommodate launching/loading and parking."

In the launch opening, social distancing must still be followed and fishing or congregating from docks is not permitted and will be enforced.

"Staff will be closely monitoring the use of launches to determine to what degree boaters are respecting the social distancing bylaw and will revisit options if needed. It is hoped the public will proceed cautiously and enjoy the lakes and rivers of the area and respect each other and the bylaw," said Gagnon.

"The Elliot Lake boat launch is more problematic given it has more limited parking and the proximity to the pier and boardwalk which remain closed by provincial order," he added. "It is anticipated that the initial opening of launches will be a good test case and staff will continue to monitor and adjust accordingly when and if things change regarding Elliot Lake access."

The plan to open the boat launches will be in place in time for the long weekend. City of Elliot Lake bylaw officers will monitor to make sure users comply with COVID-19 distancing regulations. 



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